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Case mutters, "Okay, I get the hint. You want brute force, you'll get brute force. Give me a minute. I need to make sure I've got everything loaded."

He carefully checks over his pistols, razorknife and shotgun. "Right, then. Don't go near the door 'til I give the word. Wouldn't want anyone getting hurt, would we?"

Case draws his pistol and takes a few steps back. He charges forward and batters the door down with his shoulder. He hurtles through and tucks down into a tight ball. Rounds of rifle fire shoot over his head. He returns the fire and takes cover behind a heavy desk. The shooting soon stops. Case draws out his shotgun. After a three-count, he springs up and unloads both barrels at the assailant.

He reloads his shotgun and gives the signal. The rest of the team cautiously filters in. They stare at the wreckage. Case grins, "All taken care of. You can thank me later."


New Centurions is a sci-fi role playing game from the creator of Realmz. New Centurions allows you to create and adventure with up to six warriors in your squad.

Battle a vast array of beasts as you combat your way from mission to mission. Loot your fallen enemy to improve your gear or upgrade your own.

Choose from one of 10 races and 13 warrior classes as you struggle to not only stay alive but to thrive in a hostile environment bent on your destruction.

Warning: This is an RPG for those that want to be on the edge of your seat. The timid, meek or shy need not apply.

Manage your gear and have every detail at your fingertips.

Trading equipment is as easy as click and drag.

Every aspect of your warriors can be upgraded as per your wish.

Turn based combat that will have you on the edge of your seat.

View your warriors in detail.

Take the gear of your defeated enemy!


To download the DEMO or to update your copy from version 1.0 or higher visit our DOWNLOADS page.


Stuck on a mission and need a hint? Check out the online hint guide for "The Thunder of Guns"

your copy so you can play the full mission pack today!


Please use the latest version of Aladdin's Stuffit Expander to decode your downloads.
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